All videos created in this course must demonstrate technical growth. To supplement this key requirement, I have created a Playlist on specifically for this class.
You are not required to watch them all, as they are suggestions for techniques that may come in handy. (Especially for your sound Project) Peruse them and utilize the techniques that most accurately suits your needs.

Week 1

Introductions & Syllabus

Week 2

 Introduction to Assignment 1

Screen: Harrison and Wood

Assignment 1: Container/Contained Space

  • Introduce a technical skill that is new to you in this video. Be prepared to point it out, describe the technique, and discuss why you found it appropriate for this work. 
  • Select an interesting Container or Contained  Space with which to work. 
  • Consider the container or contained space in EVERY way (size, shape, color, depth, sound, contents and contexts) and allow your considerations to inform the video.
Choose one of the following options:
  • Create a video to be viewed from the inside of a container (example: car, box, 55 gallon drum). Bring container to us or us to the container for critique.
  • Create a video shot entirely inside of a fully contained space (room, elevator) or a container (example: car, box, 55 gallon drum). 

Week 3

Lab/Research Day

Screening Assignment #1 Due:
10x10 Harrison and Wood

Compose a one-page 12pt. double-spaced review of each video.  Be advised that you will need to research the artist and this particular work to have a full understanding if its context and its importance. (For example: one video may have been shown on a TV inside a dark closet, another projected onto trees, or consist of non-American cultural rituals, however you will not know that by watching it on your computer monitor.) It is not acceptable to merely form your opinions in a void. In order to get all points available for these assignments, you must contextualize the work and how it was meant to be viewed, therefore generating a broader understanding and response to the work that I have exposed you to. Please use academic language.

Screen each short video and discuss how it applies to the notion of Found/Constructed Space. How would you typify these artists? What are their primary concerns?

Copy and Paste into the body of an email with a subject line that reads: Screening Assignment #1 Due by midnight tonight.

Week 4

Tuesday 1/28: Assignment 1 Critique @ 3:30PM

Essential Current Affairs  by Dan Acostioaei & Ann Wodinski 

Assignment 2: Intimacy
  • Create a video to be viewed by only one person at a time. 
  • Introduce a technical skill that is new to you in this video. Be prepared to point it out, describe the technique, and discuss why you found it appropriate for this work.
Choose one of the following options:
  • Create a space, claim a space or create a screening device for your video that forces physical intimacy between the viewer and your work. 
  • Let the word "intimacy" be an inspiration for the subject matter of the video and attempt to make a video that creates intimacy between the viewer and the work that goes beyond mere proximity.

Week 5

Screening Assignment #2 Due:
Untying a Shoe with an Erection by Mads Lynnerup
Anejo Y Blanco by David Zink Yi
Game of Tag by Artur Żmijewski

Compose a one-two page 12pt. double-spaced review this screening assignment.  Be advised that you will need to research the artist and this particular work to have a full understanding if its context and its importance. (For example: one video may have been shown on a TV inside a dark closet, another projected onto trees, or consist of non-American cultural rituals, however you will not know that by watching it on your computer monitor.) It is not acceptable to merely form your opinions in a void. In order to get all points available for these assignments, you must contextualize the work and how it was meant to be viewed, therefore generating a broader understanding and response to the work that I have exposed you to. Please use academic language.

For this paper, discuss all four short videos and address how each one relates to the notion of Intimacy. Address the following questions:

Does the video achieve intimacy between itself and the viewer? How does it do so? If not, what does it do instead? Does it achieve intimacy within itself between the characters? How?

Copy and Paste into the body of an email with a subject line that reads: Screening Assignment #2. Due by midnight tonight.

Week 6

Assignment 3: Enlightenment
Screen: Juan Downey
             Nam June Paik    

  • Respond to the word "Enlightenment".
  • Introduce a technical skill that is new to you in this video. Be prepared to point it out, describe the technique, and discuss why you found it appropriate for this work.

Week 7

Screening Assignment #3 Due:
 Ana Mendieta
Adrian Piper's Shiva Dances with the Art Institute of Chicago

Compose a one-page 12pt. double-spaced review of each video.  Be advised that you will need to research the artist and this particular work to have a full understanding if its context and its importance. (For example: one video may have been shown on a TV inside a dark closet, another projected onto trees, or consist of non-American cultural rituals, however you will not know that by watching it on your computer monitor.) It is not acceptable to merely form your opinions in a void. In order to get all points available for these assignments, you must contextualize the work and how it was meant to be viewed, therefore generating a broader understanding and response to the work that I have exposed you to. Please use academic language.

Copy and Paste into the body of an email with a subject line that reads: Screening Assignment #3. Due by midnight tonight.

Week 8

Tuesday 2/25: Assignment 2 Critique & Assignment 3 Critique @ 3:30


Screen: Liz Rhodes
             Bonnie Camplin
             Imogen Stidworthy's  7AM & 3"18

Assignment 4: Soundscape
I have created a playlist for you at that includes tutorials for advanced recording techniques and surround sound editing techniques. The playlist is titled "Surround Sound Support".

  • Create a video with dynamic sound design.
  • The video must demonstrate your understanding of soundscape as discussed in class.
  • The video must be created to screen with headphones.

Week 9

Screening Assignment #4: I Hate by Immogene Stidworthy
Compose a one-page 12pt. double-spaced review of each video.  Be advised that you will need to research the artist and this particular work to have a full understanding if its context and its importance. (For example: one video may have been shown on a TV inside a dark closet, another projected onto trees, or consist of non-American cultural rituals, however you will not know that by watching it on your computer monitor.) It is not acceptable to merely form your opinions in a void. In order to get all points available for these assignments, you must contextualize the work and how it was meant to be viewed, therefore generating a broader understanding and response to the work that I have exposed you to. Please use academic language.

Extra Credit!!!
Screen: Sound of Noise
A tone-deaf cop works to track down a group of guerrilla percussionists whose anarchic public performances are terrorizing the city. (Netflix or Amazon Prime)

Copy and Paste into the body of an email with a subject line that reads: Screening Assignment #4. Due by midnight tonight.

Week 10


Week 11

Assignment 5: Self Directed Final Project

Next Week: Submit a written description of your proposal.
Must be written in academic language, accompanied by sketches (jpgs via phone are fine), a materials list, and a calendar. Please include all text in the body of the email. Subject line should read: Assignment 5: Self Directed Final Project. Due Next Tuesday by Midnight.

Week 12

TUESDAY 3/25: Critique Assignment 4

Screening Assignment #5: Screen a work of your choice. Please include a link in your review so that I may watch it before reading your review.

Compose a one-page 12pt. double-spaced review of the video.  Be advised that you will need to research the artist and this particular work to have a full understanding if its context and its importance. (For example: one video may have been shown on a TV inside a dark closet, another projected onto trees, however you will not know that by watching it on your computer monitor.) It is not acceptable to merely form your opinions in a void. In order to get all points available for these assignments, you must contextualize the work and how it was meant to be viewed, therefore generating a broader understanding and response to the work that I have exposed you to. Please use academic language.

Copy and Paste into the body of an email with a subject line that reads: Screening Assignment #5. Due by midnight tonight.

Week 13

No Screening Review Due.

Week 14


Week 15


Week 16

Thursday 4/24: Critique Assignment #5--Final Project @ 3:30 

The Semi-Annual "POP UP" Exhibition!

Let's Take Over the Art Department!

I am curating an exhibition and you all are in it. Bring work, ready to hang, and one dish to share or $10 to donate for beverages.

Print your artist statement in a legible San-serif font @ 14pt, and a matching title card to hang next to your work(s).

Add this event to your CV as this is an official line for your resume. You're welcome.